Feeding your baby, no matter how you do it, comes with challenges and joys. A couple of weeks ago, In honor of breastfeeding week, I offered free breastfeeding sessions to moms who wanted to capture their breast feeding journey and receive an image to treasure. The sessions booked up incredibly fast, and I ended up adding an extra hour of sessions and still having a waiting list! Day of we had a few cancelations, and a few last minute bookings, and the final total of sessions was 25. I photographed 25 woman and their little ones, and had so much visiting with past clients and meeting new ones! By the end of it, I was exhausted, but it was so incredibly worth it.
Breastfeeding your baby can be a wonderful and uplifting experience full of bonding and joy, but its not always easy. I asked these mama’s what the hardest part of breastfeeding was, and many of the answers included things such as always having to pump, the pain of their latch, low supply, the anxiety over them getting enough, clogged milk ducts, feeling touched out, mastitis, and even the constant stream of unsolicited advice or judgement. Overall however, they all agreed that it was worth it! Lindsay Galloway stated: “This is the hardest thing I have done, and probably will ever do, but every time those eyes gaze up at me, or his hand reaches for mine, I can’t help but smile.”
Lindsay Galloway with her son Konor
One mama, Claire Horn, stated: “The hardest part was the first 3 months. They are so trying! You’re hurting from child birth, you have a new human to keep alive, you have raging hormones, it’s just a mess! Figuring out how to pump, when to pump, cluster feeding, night feeding, etc and you’re the only one able to do it.” She also stated though that breastfeeding is “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever done and will ever do!” So yes. Its HARD. But also incredibly worth it!
Claire with her little boy Landon
When I decided to offer these sessions, I knew I wanted to learn about the different breastfeeding experiences people have had. Reading about each woman’s journey was enlightening and inspiring. and made these sessions even more special in my heart. Below are some quotes from some amazing mama’s about their incredible breastfeeding experiences.
Alyssa Swan with her son Rhett
“Being able to provide for my baby is the most amazing feeling.. knowing that I have to take care of him in every way is a lot but I wouldn’t change it for the world.. breastfeeding just gives and another special bond between you in your baby. It makes you feel so good that you are providing all the vitamins and nutrients that his body needs! It could be draining some times, but as soon as you see your baby eating and happy. It melts your heart and it makes you just wanna keep going!” - Alyssa Swan
Athena Mitchell and her daughter Lenora
“In the beginning, we had so many issues… Shallow latch, lip tie, tongue tie, side preference. I was so determined because I knew that some day, after the pain resided and all the issues were fixed, that it’d be the best feeling in the world for my baby girl to turn to me & find peace on my chest from her mama’s milk. 6 months later, laser surgery, countless lactation visits, months of awkward nursing positions…. We’re finally here, and it’s everything I could’ve ever dreamed of.” - Athena Mitchell
Chelsea with her son Mason
“I saw on a viral post, “it’s the hardest thing I have ever loved” and it so beyond true. Breastfeeding isn’t easy. It is so so hard. But I love it and I don’t regret giving it a shot. I’m surprised I’ve made it this far and I hope I make it to the one year mark.” -Chelsea Boswell
Taylor with her daughter Ariel
“With my first child I lost my milk supply at 4 months, I was absolutely crushed.. When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I was determined to make it to at the very least 6 months. Making it to 7 months with EBF is a major accomplishment for me. I feel so empowered.” -Taylor Myers
Sydney with her daughter Sutton
“Breastfeeding made me fall in love with the body I hated for the majority of my life. Seeing how I was able to not only grow an entire being inside me but continue to help that tiny human grow all through her first year and now into her toddler years each ounce of liquid gold at a time has given me a new found pride and appreciate for my body.” - Sydney Hammett
Rachel and her daughter Delilah
“In the few months I have been nursing Delilah, we have struggled through slow weight gain and severe illness with medications that reduced my supply to almost nothing. I was able to relactate, and I’m very thankful for the formula that kept her fed while I was sick, and the ability to continue nursing when I got better!” - Rachel Taylor
Nichole with her son Aiden
“It was hard at first but definitely got easier as he got older. Now it’s my favorite time, cuddling up with baby and nursing. It’s been difficult since he has not been able to have dairy and it requires more of me. It has also made my postpartum last longer but I love feeding him and I am I whiling to stick with it as long as I can.” - Nichole Smith
Meredith with her daughter Eloise
“Ellie is my rainbow baby after losing our daughter, Fiona to SIDS. I am so grateful for everyday with her, as well as being able to breastfeed her. She and I worked really hard to donate over 3800 ounces to local mamas this year, until my supply regulated to making just enough for Eloise.” - Meredith Hardman
All in all, These breastfeeding sessions were so much fun and I enjoyed meeting so many wonderful mama’s and hearing their stories!
-Ashley Gamble